Refine Results
Displaying 1 - 12 of 34
New standardization frameworks add versatility...
Canadians will benefit from two new standardization options that bring more versatility to better support innovators, including those in legislative settings, seeking faster cost-competitive ways to get their cutting-edge...
Bridging the Standards Divide: Modernizing Standards...
This report analyzes and compiles CATRTA beneficiary countries’ needs in the areas of standards, conformity assessment and technical barriers to trade (TBT), identified during the CIDA funded workshop/roundtable held from May...
Requirements & Guidance – National Adoptions ...
This document specifies the Canadian requirements and guidance to adopt International Standards, regional standards, and other international/regional deliverables. For the purposes of expediency, the acronym R&G – Adoptions...
Designing Resilient Communities: Protecting people...
Canadian communities are on the frontline of climate change. Without action, future costs from flooding events in Canada alone could reach $13.6 billion (CAD) 1 annually by the end of the century. And the costs are not only...
National Standards Strategy
The National Standards Strategy is a comprehensive strategy that explores new thinking and new priorities and engages with new stakeholders in the standards network. It considers the current geopolitical environment, national...
Using Climate Information in Standards Development
Technical Companion to the Guide for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation Considerations into Canadian StandardsTechnical Companion to the Guide for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation Considerations into Canadian...
Breaking down barriers to bio-based investment...
In order to help catalyze and accelerate clean fuels project development in Canada, the Standards Council of Canada supported a Workshop Agreement led by Ecostrat to identify key siting requirements for new plants that...
Every Standard Counts – How Standardization Boosts...
Standards touch all facets of our lives. They are embedded in the products, processes and services we rely on in both work and personal lives, from the food sold in grocery stores to the skyscrapers that enable the expansion...
Resilience and Adaptation Summary of Corporate...
Standards and conformity assessment are critical enablers of the 21st-century knowledge economy, providing for effective, safe, reliable and interoperable products, services and processes. As it continues to respond to the...
Conformity assessment courses
Our courses on standards development help deepen knowledge to effectively use standards and participate in their shaping their future. These courses are designed to give SCC members, and any professional interested in standards, the tools to get involved...
Discerning signal from noise: The state of global...
This white paper aims to equip SCC's AI and Data Governance Standardization Collaborative with the information necessary to understand how best to leverage AI standards and conformity assessment to advance Canada’s interests...